Wether you think you can or you can’t – you’re right. This quote of Henry Ford belongs to one of my favorite quotes ever. It reminds me that we all have the ability to write our own story. Some time ago I heard a good explanation which makes it more visually how it works with these mindset principles. Something so important that I wish our school system would take more focus on it and actually show how thoughts have an impact on our llives.
The impact of thinking
Thoughts are like seeds that you plant and grow. The plant which comes out of the seed is made by our own decisions. The decision if we have loving thoughts with a positive impact on our life and the ones surrounding us – they will grow to a beautiful, strong plant with the head tilted towards the sunshine. Or if we make the decision to feel discouraged, unsatisfied and negative about ourself and the world – it will be a hard growing something beautiful and strong from these kind of mindset. That’s what Henry Ford described in his famous quotation. This not only sounds pretty simple and logical, it really works.
Like every human being, we don’t always have just good days. Sometimes it’s just not going like we want. For me, I always feel the impact of my mindset incredibly fast. On this days where I don’t make the effort of changing my thoughts, the day mostly just continues like that …crappy. Also the people which I encounter during the day, they seem to feel it without a word of communication. That’s why it’s so important to train our brain on thinking and feeling good-, speaking words of encouragement and gratitude, for ourselfs and for others. Because we grow what we plant in our lives.
Your Frequency rules
The fascinating fact behind this is that it’s not only a psychological affect on our live, according to quantum physicists our consciousness or mind receives the frequence of other living being as energy-information. The same kind of freqency which we use in so many ways today, whether it’s for sending a text message or to make a radio receive signals from a broadcast station. The only difference is that we create our frequency with our emotions, thoughts and attitude and we send it out into the world. And what will happen now?
Towards whatever kind of frequency we have programmed our mind – it’s going to be the same kind of frequency which we receive back as an answer. That’s why sometimes when we think of a certain person, coincidentally it’s exactly this person who will call us. Or we don’t want to see a person for whatever reason and it happens to be right this one with whom we’re crossing paths. That’s because we shift our whole attention towards those things, and send out the frequency it needs to bring it into our live.
Create your reality
The same goes for dreams and goals. No matter how far and impossible they might seem to be, you don’t always have to know the way how to accomplish them. Just know what you want and believe you’re already there. Instead of saying I WANT to have …, say I HAVE this or that. Feel that the future you dream of happend already to you. Then your vibration will change into the one which the things you want to attract have in common. Everything will eventually fall into place and connect. Of course it needs actions, a beginning and the courage of taking chances as they come along the way.
About time and gratitude
It also needs a little patience cause some things take more time. What helps with this is being greatful. It’s like a tool for our brain having a positive, loving mindset and draw happiness into our lives. As it takes 21 days to make something a habit, the easiest way to implement it is as a daily ritual. I like to either remind myself in the morning after waking up, or before going to bed, what I’m thankful for. Or even more efective is writing it down, cause writing will increase its power. Why Gratitude Will Change Your Life
I truely hope this is a little inspiration to always believe in what you want to be and accomplish in life. We don’t have to know the way there, we just have to shift our attention towards the right things. It’s one of the most powerful tools for a happy, fulfilling and content live. And as body, mind and soul are all connected together – also your status of wellbeing & health is influenced in a positive way. So go out there, be the energy you want to attract into your life and start to create your reality. ?
November 2, 2017
So true words! It’s so important we take care of our thoughts. By the way, love your blog! ? Really inspires me. ?
AuthorNovember 2, 2017
Thank you so much my dear 🙂 Really appreciate your kind comment!